Quezilla Privacy Policy

This privacy policy explains how Quezilla, a trivia game, collects, uses, shares, and processes personal information of users. This policy is applicable to individuals using the Quezilla game.

Collected Information

Quezilla may collect information that users provide during the game. This information may include usernames, email addresses, or non-personal information provided during the course of the game, such as answers given during the trivia.

Use of Personal Information

Quezilla may use personal information to enhance the gaming experience, share competition results, or communicate with users. This information will not be shared or sold to third parties without the user's consent.

Cookies and Tracking Technologies

Quezilla may use cookies and similar tracking technologies to enhance and analyze user experiences. These technologies may be used to remember user preferences or provide content recommendations.

Third-Party Links

Quezilla may contain links to third-party websites or applications. These links may redirect users to sites beyond Quezilla's control. We do not take responsibility for the privacy practices of these sites.

Changes to Privacy Policy

Quezilla's privacy policy may be updated periodically. In the event of such changes, announcements may be made on the website or within the application to inform users.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this privacy policy, please contact us at zaggingames3634@gmail.com